Good Shepherd Home is licensed to serve up to 50 community members. Our home provides 24-hour skilled and rehabilitative care in a safe, comfortable environment. We are proud to note that our home is consistently rated highly by the Center’s for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
We encourage members living with us to choose their own daily schedule including their sleeping schedule, therapy schedule, social schedule and bathing/showering preferences. All meals are served for extended periods of time….and breakfast is always available!
Good Shepherd prides itself on creating a home away from home for our members. Fireplaces, comfortable seating areas, private dining areas and an “old fashioned ice cream parlor” offer members great opportunities to visit with family and one another.
Good Shepherd Home accepts traditional Medicare and all Medicare supplement programs.
Good Shepherd Home is in-network with Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Network Medicare Replacement Plans.